Tim Koogle, 1995 - May 2001
Yahoo CEO Tim Koogle is the first for the period 1995-2001, while Steve Jobs of Apple in exile, Under Koogle, Yahoo to pay billions of dollars to companies, such as Broadcast.com and Geocities Integration to become much better at that time, the profile Weekly business in 1998 called Koogle as a "mature voice of reason" in Yahoo, but, three years later he resigned from not being able to do much because of the emergence of competition and the number of Web ads that appear.
Terry Semel, May 2001 - June 2007
On Yahoo to make the change from 2001-2007 Koogle with Terry Semel, who has led tech company Warner Bros. in Hollywood for 24 years, at the beginning of his career he worked, he's doing Yahoo business diversification from strict reliance on display advertising with alternative revenue streams such as service premium and the line advertising, Yahoo's Terry Semel to see a company engaged in the media and do the best that is possible to realize this vision, but the company is experiencing some financial problems and he can not do their best to compete with new competitors, he is considered to be very slow to build a successful advertising search business and led the company be rivaled by another formidable competitor is Google.
Jerry Yang, Jun 2007 - January 2009
Jerry Yang, in the year 2007 to 2009 as a founder of Yahoo! with Jerry Filo, Jerry Yang has a special relationship with the company, for this reason he agreed to take over after Terry Semel to leave Yahoo, Jerry Yang rejected Microsoft's bid also has 44.6 billion dollars to acquire the company, when in 2009 he finally stepped down as CEO at Yahoo.
Carol Bartz, Jan 2009 - September 2011
when Carol Bartz leading Yahoo and here he was appointed to run the company, many experts say that it is a kind of nightmare for the company, because they do not have a background in media and advertising and can not convince the board that he has what it takes to get Yahoo back to success, but the lapse of two years later, he announced the news via email to all staff iPad that he had just been fired over the phone by the Chairman of the board of Yahoo.
Scott Thompson, Jan 2012 - May 2012
Scott Thompson previously worked at the online payment company PayPal, Scott Thompson recently lost his job because of controversy over alleged falsified computer science degree and diploma, in a short time Scott Thompson sued the controversial patent active on Facebook and also organize large-scale layoffs to its employees and is considered as a very strange decision.